The OR1 NEO integrated operating room of Karl Storz is a set of networked devices, an integrated system which can be controlled directly from the touch screen for the purpose of tele-surgery with remote consultation. The integrated operating room facilitate video conferencing for learning, teaching, seminars and conference.
Basic features:
- Integrated devices control: The devices are centrally controlled from the touch screen in the sterile area or at the nurse workstation. The system can integrate various devices including camera control unit, light source, CO2 insufflator, suction pump, motor system, high frequency electrosurgical unit, LEDVISION OR light, operating table, room light ... and other devices
- Documentation: Patient data (like images, Full HD, 4K or 3D videos) is stored in the data management system of the OR1... Data can be managed with the KARL STORZ OR1 AIDA documentation unit, or can be transfer to removable storage devices (like DVD, CD-ROM, USB or portable hard drive). The system can communicate with the hospital information system via HL7 interface or through DICOM interface with the PACS.
- Telemedicine: The system can communicate and exchange data from the operating rooms to other areas such as director room, conference room, seminar room, examination room ... in hospital or transmit the data outside to an expert or a university for remote consultation or training purposes.
- PIP display: Roaming function can display picture in picture on the same monitor allow the surgical team to observe many video sources simultaneously.
- Microphone and audio control: The audio amplifier and wireless microphone allow the surgeons to communicate easily with the conference room or with a consultant outside the hospital.
- Video conference (optional): video conference and consultation inside or outside the hospital.
- Future upgrade possibilities