OR1 Integrated Operating Room

OR1 Integrated Operating Room

Integrated operating room OR1 is the combination of the latest advances in modern telecommunications, IT and surgical technology. OR1 is a great solution for the future operating room with diverse designs for versatile applications. In particular, OR1 meets the strictest requirements for safe surgical procedures, unlimited communication between the sterile environment in the operating room and the outside through real-time video and audio.

One-touch centralized controls

OR1 allows the surgeon not only to operate the patient in the OR but also monitor and control the medical records and any parameters from other devices, such as X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, laboratory tests, ... from PACS, HIS during and after the surgery. What's more, the surgeon can control almost all the equipment in the operating room, optimally set and save these presets for each type of surgery with just one finger on the touch screen...

Indeed, with OR1 NEO, the surgeon is the conductor of a symphony orchestra with state-of-the-art instruments (operating lights, operating tables, electrosurgical units, light sources, endoscopic cameras, ... in the operating room) and perform the art that brings life and health to the patient. The performance can be live-streamed to a wide variety of audiences outside the operating theater or beyond, to all over the world. Moreover, the OR can be used for various purposes: consultation, teaching and research regardless of physical distance...


4K            3D                aida1




With OR1 Airlive streaming from the operating room to the outside (operating room, hospital) has never been more convenient like that. Together with the smart LEDVISION non-touch operating light, every operation will be controlled smoothly.          


OR1_AIR    ledvision101


The combination with other technologies such as imaging diagnostics (CT scan, MRI, C-Arm, O-Arm, ... or cardiovascular intervention equipment) gave birth to a new generation of operating rooms : the Hybrid.  




Beyond, supported documentation systems like  AIDA and Scenara are great solutions for storing image data, video clips, complete medical records. Instead of the handwritten medical records, the surgical data can be saved to the patient's electronic medical record. Moreover, it is a great tool for E-Learning to create electronic lectures, for scientific reports or researches.

Untitled   OR1


…. And we call it the solution of multiple solutions…